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  • Pent-up Demand in Travel: Destinations which have been Top of Mind and Intentions for Travel in Recent Times.

    June 7, 2020

    As the world slowly emerges from figurative hibernation, domestic tourism becomes a possibility. For international destinations, certain restrictions still remain in place.

    What are the countries we’ve been yearning to visit, does that vary with age, and what are the intentions behind travelling? This key data will be integral in navigating the new tourism landscape.

    Throughout the Pandemic, there has been much speculation on how the market will bounce back. Some of the data has been lacking as they have based their statistics on traditional surveys. Although this method can sometimes can give a high resolution indication of trends.

    Digital Ape focuses on key influencers in the sector and how their audience reacts in a natural setting. As part of far wider insights, in this case, we initially analyzed millions of data points across Twitter. (the most appropriate platform for authentic content for this purpose) We then sort the wheat from the chaff to get the appropriate insights from the relevant audience.

    Age Structure

    The pie chart below gives an overall indication that Young, Millennial Arabs are the most important  consumer group in the tourism market. With over 75% of the group, it far outreaches Gen Z. That said, Twitter is not a an important communication platform for this demographic in tourism.

    Pie Chart Age Aspiring Travellers

    Destinations by Age

    For Generation X and Baby Boomers, they are mainly looking to the go to Turkey, who made $34.6 billion in 2019, and the U.S.A.

    For Millennials, their preferences are divided between; France, Turkey, and the U.S.A, with Great Britain leading the pack.

    Destinations Aspiring Travel by Age

    Travel Intentions by Age

    It could also have been assumed that the GCC, or elsewhere, we’re planning on traveling only out of necessities such as; study, medical treatment, or daily visits. However, particularly for 21-30’s, there is a huge desire to get take leisure vacations.

    Travel Intentions Age

    Operators, airlines, and tourism boards have continued to subtly stay in touch through the lockdown using appropriate content.  The pandemic has forced stakeholders to highlight the past, emphasize the safety issues of the present, whilst triggering dreams about future journeys.

    Tourism organisations have had time to accrue an untold amount of data. That said, only those with ambient feedback insights and teams with the ability to execute based on that data-focused strategy will come out on top.

    About the data

    DA has built a custom data warehouse service called Sila, powered by data science we turn that raw social data into actionable insights.

    To find out more, please click here and use the contact form to get in touch.

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