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  • Download: Back to School 2020 Sentiment Report

    July 23, 2020

    Back-to-School. Always a period of change and growth. The next step in the longer journey of life for young minds. In 2020, more-so than any other year, there has been increased speculation in the business community (inside and outside the G.C.C) about what back-to-school sentiment is surrounding this key retail season?

    Digital Ape constantly captures millions of data points, develops insights, and strategy through our award winning Sila tool. As part of that, we constructed a model on Back to School sentiment for Saudi and the UAE. Importantly, the model behind it takes into account the plethora of regional dialects and uses our previously discussed, cutting-edge, natural language processing Data Science.

    The report starts by measuring the magnitude of the conversation around two overarching areas. Those being; national (U.A.E+KSA) and three key topics (COVID-19, Back to School, and Online Learning) Then, we present the sentiment of the audience within the above areas and include feelings over the three topics combined on a national level as reference. We then make conclusions and how we can utilise this data in strategies.

    Report Snapshot
    The graph below from our larger insights portrays huge, negative sentiment for Back to School from March to the end of June. Although, notably, there has been an increase in positive sentiment from June through July. That said, at the same time, the negative has not abated.

    U.A.E Back to School Sentiment 2020

    The conversation around Back to School has been effected by the constant updates within the education sector. These must be paid attention to by focusing on ambient feedback enabled, data models.

    Within the psyche of some, Back to School could be seen as symbolising the hope for the medium-term as a whole, given the context of the conversations. New restrictions, lockdowns, brought about by the pandemic have caused uncertainty.

    Email info(at)digitalapemedia.com for more info.

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