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  • GCC Food consumers: Webinar

    September 28, 2021

    At Sila, we’re passionate about understanding the ever-evolving habits of consumers and delivering actionable insights to businesses. In line with this, we recently conducted our third DEconstructed webinar: “GCC Food Consumers.” The purpose? To delve deep into the changing landscape of consumption preferences, buying habits, and market trends in the GCC region over the past two years.

    Navigating the macro-level environment changes is critical to staying on top of the game in today’s volatile markets. Our webinar aimed to provide a robust understanding of these shifts and how they translate into new trends within the FMCG sector. We took a 360-degree view of the market, from regional economic fluctuations to changes in socio-political factors, to unearth factors driving these changes.

    Simultaneously, we understand that the devil is often in the details. Therefore, the focus wasn’t just on high-level analysis. We complemented the macro view with a detailed approach to microdata at the FMCG consumer level. We delved into consumer behaviour patterns, dissected individual buyer personas, and analyzed their changing preferences.

    By combining both macro and micro-level data, our aim was to give a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the GCC consumer market. This combination allows businesses to develop strategies that respond effectively to current trends while being proactive about future shifts.

    At Sila, we believe in the power of connection, and that’s what we strive to build between businesses and their consumers. Using our Arabic-native AI natural language processing capabilities, we help businesses make more informed decisions, and with webinars like “Food Consumers in the GCC,” we’re helping to ensure that nothing ever gets lost in translation.

    Remember, understanding your consumers isn’t just about data; it’s about understanding the story that data tells. And that’s precisely what we are here for to help you understand, connect and grow.

    This webinar is just one way  Sila continuously pushes the envelope in market research and consumer insights. Stay tuned for more insights, trends, and revelations in our upcoming DEconstructed webinars.

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